Course Outline
1 - Angular Overview
- Overview of Angular Architecture
2 - Getting Started with Angular
- Getting Started with TypeScript
- Bootstrapping with Angular CLI
- Angular Project Structure
3 - Unit Testing with Angular
4 - Working with Angular
- Components and Events
- Third Party Libraries
- Dynamic Views
- Pipes
6 - Single Page Applications and Routes
- Single Page Applications
- Services and Dependency Injection
- Modules
7 - Using RESTful Services
- Overview of REST
- Angular and REST
8 - Angular Best Practices
- Angular Style Guide
- What is New in Angular 9
- Additional Topics (Time Permitting)
- Lesson: ES6+
- Sass and SCSS for Angular and Material
Target Audience
In order to be successful in this class, incoming attendees are required to have current, hands-on experience in developing basic web applications, and be versed in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. This is an introductory level Angular development course but an intermediate level web development class, designed for experienced web developers that need to further extend their skills in web development